Southwest Airlines

  • Southwest Airlines dëgguy binndugal ak Jeneral Amerikéen yi, wóor nañu barsukaay yoonu 1967. Dafa ñuy wasitu jëmmiñu Dallas, Texas ak dafa xët yi dunu ba xol dërr ndaw yi póónu low-cost yi. Southwest yabli yomba 4,000 beegu amul paas ak ne sañuy ci 100 bu ndeer yi ak ci yubbu wëre yéegal yi. Duggal yi benal wapit, njawat yi ci yayu dëkk, biiru moy sotlu nañu leen mböole wóor ak ku tërlu yeewu ci safar yi. Southwest duggal yi suñuy waxtu natangu ak saayee mbir mi.
Southwest Airlines
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Las Vegas
Los Angeles
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Las Vegas
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Las Vegas
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Las Vegas
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La Guardia
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Las Vegas
San Jose
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La Guardia
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image of city
Las Vegas
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Las Vegas
Sacramento International
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