Binter Canarias

  • Binter Canarias walla ñii ni anndalu mujjaneeñ Español, soob Gaanaariya. Dencukaayuñu jënd duwañu am regional, jom lañu ñuy topp amuñ bitim reewum Gaanariya, woñu mu soo ci sawir tërëñ European. Gaanaariya binter ngay jàngat yi liggéey, ceebu jàngat yi waccu asbu caal ak moon. Binter Canarias mu wacc dëkk yu léebu mánumu ci iyeer fokk jangal yi dañuy ci jangatëëlu saytu moo moon.
Binter Canarias
image of city
Las Palmas
Norte Los Rodeos
Wutu wàcce
image of city
Norte Los Rodeos
Las Palmas
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image of city
Las Palmas
Sur Reina Sofia
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image of city
Las Palmas
Puerto del Rosario
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image of city
Las Palmas
Wutu wàcce
image of city
Norte Los Rodeos
Santa Cruz De La Palma
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image of city
Norte Los Rodeos
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image of city
Las Palmas
San Sebas De La Gomera
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image of city
Porto Santo
Wutu wàcce